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Every dollar you give by March 31 will be triple-matched! Help PragerU Impact 60,000+ People.

Donor Club members form the foundation of PragerU’s work—fueling the mind-changing videos watched 5 million times every day.

It's Time To Fight Back!

Choose a monthly amount
Donate monthly$100.00
PragerU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Tax ID: 27-1763901. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we rely on the support of generous individuals like you to keep our videos free and reaching millions.

Join Club One 

Donating $100+ per month (or $1,000 per year) helps PragerU reach 60,000+ people each year with our pro-American content!

When you join Club One, you will receive:

• A gratitude box of exclusive PragerU merch 4x per year (if donating monthly)
• Commemorative annual pin
• Dedicated PragerU liaison
• Invitations to exclusive donor events
• 30% discount at the PragerU store

Frequently asked questions