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Help us spread the ideas of PragerU to the next generation.

100% of your tax-deductible donation will be used to keep our videos free and reaching millions of young Americans with our shared ideas and values.

If you'd like to join forces with us to make an even bigger impact, please consider a
recurring gift of just $5 or more per month to join a PragerU monthly giving club and receive exclusive benefits.

We appreciate your support! 

Donate to change minds and save America!

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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we rely on the support of generous individuals like you to keep our videos free and reaching millions. Tax ID: 27-1763901.
Monthly donation

Join Club5

Donating $5 per month (about 17¢ per day) helps PragerU reach 3,000+ people per year with our content! Plus, we’ll send you annual thank you gifts and a welcome gift when you join today.
Monthly donation

Join PragerUnited

Donating $35 per month (about $1 per day) helps PragerU reach 20,000+ people per year with our content! Plus, we’ll send you a gratitude box of exclusive PragerU merch 4x per year.
Monthly donation

Join Club One

Donating $100 per month (or $1,000+ per year) helps PragerU reach 60,000+ people each year with our content! Plus, you’ll receive all the benefits of PragerUnited, a commemorative annual pin, a dedicated PragerU liaison, and invitations to exclusive donor events.

Frequently asked questions