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Keep the Memory of Our Fallen Heroes Alive

We must NEVER forget who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—America’s fallen heroes. The selfless efforts of those lost forever in battle are now often marginalized, even demonized, by our leftist education system, mainstream media, and popular culture.

America’s youth is taught that our nation is simply not worth fighting for! This Memorial Day, PragerU stands ready to fight for those who fought for us. But we can’t do it without you.

Your gift is DOUBLED by a generous PragerU donor if received by Friday, May 31!

Only with your help can PragerU dominate the online conversation about our appreciation for our fallen heroes. Millions more young people must see our important videos about Memorial Day and our armed forces. They must be educated about the legacy of our military’s fallen men and women this Memorial Day—and all year long!

We need YOU, our patriotic supporters, to help millions of young people learn about the importance of honoring their memory and being grateful for the precious gift of freedom they have given us.

Donate by May 31 and your tax-deductible gift will be matched—and your impact DOUBLED—by a generous PragerU donor!

You may also choose to dedicate your gift in honor or memory of a loved one. Thank you for standing with PragerU and standing by the memory of our beloved American heroes!

“The greatest threat facing America is that we have not passed on what it means to be American to this generation.” -Dennis Prager

All Donations Doubled!

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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we rely on the support of generous individuals like you to keep our videos free and reaching millions.

*Donations will be matched up to $125,000. PragerU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Tax ID: 27-1763901.

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Join Club5

Donating $5 per month (about 17¢ per day) helps PragerU reach 3,000+ people per year with our content! Plus, we’ll send you annual thank you gifts and a welcome gift when you join today.
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Join PragerUnited

Donating $35 per month (about $1 per day) helps PragerU reach 20,000+ people per year with our content! Plus, we’ll send you a gratitude box of exclusive PragerU merch 4x per year.
Monthly donation

Join Club One

Donating $100 per month (or $1,000+ per year) helps PragerU reach 60,000+ people each year with our content! Plus, you’ll receive all the benefits of PragerUnited, a commemorative annual pin, a dedicated PragerU liaison, and invitations to exclusive donor events.